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Spinning on a Dime
you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round-round-round...couldn't resist, it's just a test of the template anyway.

Monday, July 03, 2006
Angels are singing a chorus and radiant beams of light shine down on my mental image of the mechanics of an Irish tension spinning wheel.

So the mother of all. It's this high-fallutin' toilet paper holder. The bobbin's just that cardboard tube of the toilet paper roll which you stick on the tube that hooks/snaps onto the holder on the wall. Heeeheee. I know, not 100% of that's true. But it's what I had to do to break it all down with ease. See it like a TP holder :P.

So it's basically a pulley powered, 2 way, toilet paper holder. Instead of holding toilet paper it winds and unwinds fiber in the form of yarn. Gimme about 30 minutes to get warm and toasty(went to get coffee, and boy is it chilly out there). While warming up and getting myself alert, I'll doodle up a sketch of how I imagine Irish tension to work. Calling it Irish tension for fear bobbin tension might get me beat up by the dutch ;). Fear the dutch, wooden shoes and all. Sure a pair of keds'll smart if someone throws it at you, but clogs? Yeow! That's gonna leave a mark. Best not to rile the dutch as best you can :D.

Oooh crap! There's wooden shoes in Ireland too(lord of the dance ring a bell?), one way or another, I'm gonna wind up clogged, here's hoping gouda's involved ;).

Be back in a bit to post the doodle/diagram of how I figure Irish tension works(who am I trying to fool? Just like saying it don't I?).
6:30 PM :: ::
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