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Spinning on a Dime
you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round-round-round...couldn't resist, it's just a test of the template anyway.

Sunday, July 02, 2006
In an attempt to get more hits, I've improved my keywords. That said, whatever device used to troll through web pages might not understand context and how the keywords relate to my blog. So this blog is about building a DIY, Cheap Spinning Wheel, Out of Acrylic Sheet.

A person would use this $20 spinning wheel (it should cost less, but we'll see) to spin fiber into yarn! Okay, not a person, this person! Another gander at just such a fiber

it's silk! Though I've been very curious about vicuña which is a lovely fiber indeed. Okay I don't know that it's lovely, but since it's lore includes it's being worn by peruvian royalty, well, I want some!

Oooh I'm using a rotary tool AKA a Dremel though to be perfectly honest, it wishes it was a dremel. It's a big home depot orange colored Buffalo purchased from illinois(cause was cheap).

For me almost every item is a found item. So this really is a found items spinning wheel.

I will build my own spinning wheel. Soon I'll be spinning on a dime. Yippee!

Wooha! I oughta be finished soon :D
2:04 AM :: ::
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