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Spinning on a Dime
you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round-round-round...couldn't resist, it's just a test of the template anyway.

Monday, July 17, 2006
OMG crank feels tight :) Secure even. So I gave it a test spin, and spun an entire mawata with ease. So now to put on the footman and attatch it to the treadle and crank. Fingers crossed, wish me luck :).
1:23 PM :: 0 comments ::

KnitWit :: permalink

Flyer in Action

Here's a bit of video showing the flyer in action. Pauses are where I had to work the silk a bit, from bits of cradle that didn't stretch as much as I'd have liked, and the occasional bug bit that wormed it's way into the fiber. The clickity-clacking is from the bobbin whorl being taped on + the drive belt having 2 knots(still trying to get the size just right).

After reviewing the video, I've decided it's from the flyer not being permanently glued in place firmly. It's okay, will be just fine when perfectly complete, but it's completed to working/prototype, and that's groovy with me :).
10:49 AM :: 2 comments ::

KnitWit :: permalink