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Spinning on a Dime
you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round-round-round...couldn't resist, it's just a test of the template anyway.

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Ooh I Think I've Got It!

So I've managed to secure a bearing into the center post using industrial strength glue. I also made sure the wheel spins freely in the bearing. Yep-yep. Smooth quiet spin. It's a wee bit wobbly, but I'll wait till the whole thing's assembled to make any adjustments for wobble. I'm convinced the driveband alone will either make it wobble more, or make it wobble less.

So now, before I forget. Gonna drill a hole into what I hope turns out to be a happy accident(rod got stuck in tube, and sorry, but well, it is permanently stuck). Also gonna glue the center post to the bottom plank(i'm making up some of these words). Then I can adjust everything else. I think I'll just use small pieces of acrylic for shims, so as to get balance just right. It's better than trying to measure first. Acrylic can shift a bit, even with weight, so it's looking rather ammateurish, but I only care if it works.

If all else fails I'll try to adapt it like the spindle option for the ashford traditional. No won't be exactly the same, but hey, no need for bobbins and such.
5:22 AM :: 0 comments ::

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